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2018 New Zealand Forest Products Industry Review

The 11th edition of the New Zealand Forest Products Industry Review is now available.

This Review has become an important tool for everyone involved/interested in the NZ forestry and forest products industry. The 143 page Review includes profiles of 46 forest owners (3,000 to 200,000 ha), 57 sawmills, all NZ wood panel /Engineered Wood products, and all pulp & paper mill owners. The review includes 77 tables and charts. It also provides summaries of our conclusions in the 2004 and 2010 editions; and with full conclusions in our 2010 and 2016 editions - to compare with our 2018 conclusions.

Rotten To The Core

The inside story of New Zealands looming leaky home catastrophe.

DANAs startling new Review
- What caused most of the carnage?
- Was it preventable?
- Who tried to stop the Rot?
- Who ignored their pleas?
- Who covered it up?
- Who is accountable?
- Why is New Zealand still in denial?
- What cost $30 billion or $100 Billion? You decide